2021-2022 Academic Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2021-2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admissions Information

In recognition of the diverse educational programs offered by Bluefield State College and the varying kinds of preparation necessary for successful entry into them, the College has established the following guidelines to assist students in complying with established admissions standards of the institution.

Basic Admission Standards

Students must meet the general education development (GED) or equivalent requirements or have a high school diploma. Other persons may be admitted on a conditional basis but shall be evaluated at the conclusion of each semester of enrollment to determine whether college-level academic performance indicates an ability to continue their studies. Neither regular nor conditional admission shall ensure the entry of applicants into specific programs.

Regular AdmissionAdmissions Counselor

General Admission for Associate Degree Level Study

Associate’s Degree Program admission to Bluefield State College is open to any person who has a high school diploma or meets General Educational Development (GED) requirements and overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.00. Other persons may be admitted on a conditional basis but shall be evaluated at the conclusion of each semester of enrollment to determine whether college-level academic performance indicates an ability to continue their studies. Neither regular nor conditional admission shall not ensure the entry of applicants into specific programs.

General Admission for Bachelor Degree Level Study

Bachelor’s Degree Program admission to Bluefield State College is open to any person who meets the General Educational Development (GED) requirements or has a high school diploma, overall grade-point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 and a composite score of at least 18 on the ACT, or a 3.0 GPA may be admitted on a regular admission basis. Students will normally be expected to sit for the ACT. However, in instances where students have taken the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), these scores may be substituted for the ACT. SAT scores will be converted to ACT equivalents by using an appropriate conversion chart authorized by the chancellor. These students will not be required to take the ACT at a later time. Neither regular nor conditional admission shall not ensure the entry of applicants into specific programs.

Conditional admission may be granted in instances where GPA or ACT standards are not met and institutional officials have evidence that the student has the potential to successfully complete college-level work. In addition to GPA and ACT requirements, students must successfully complete the following minimum academic core unit requirements prior to admission:

Required Units (Years)

  • 4 English (including English 12CR and courses in grammar, composition, literature)
  • 3 Social Studies (including U.S. History)
  • 4 Mathematics* (three units must be Algebra I and higher or Math I or higher; Transitional Math for seniors will also be accepted)
  • 3 Science* (all course to be college preparatory laboratory science, preferably including units from biology, chemistry, and physics)
  • 1 Arts
  • 2 Foreign Language (two units of the same foreign language, sign language is also acceptable)
  • Elective Units  – It is recommended that the remaining elective units be chosen from the academic core (English/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies) or subjects such as computer science, fine arts, humanities, and typing/keyboarding.

Home-Instructed/Home Schooled - Students who provide appropriate ACT composite scores as outlined above and meet institutional requirements may be admitted on a regular basis.

All students who have graduated from high school with a GPA of 2.00 or higher or completed GED requirements more than five years prior to seeking admission to Bluefield State College may have the requirement for ACT or SAT scores exempted.

Admission of Non-Degree Students

Bluefield State College may admit students on a non-degree basis. By definition, such students are not seeking and/or not eligible to pursue a certificate or degree at the institution.

Admission of Transfer Students.

Students seeking transfer admission to Bluefield State College must be academically eligible to return to the institution from which they wish to transfer. Students seeking transfer admission or readmission to the college must meet the institution’s basic admission standards: a completed application for admission, high school transcripts (if transferring fewer than 26 hours), official transcripts from all colleges attended, and a copy of ACT, SAT or COMPASS test scores. Students with more than 32 hours credit must have an overall 2.0 GPA on all coursework.

Admission of International Students

International students are required to abide by the same freshman and/or transfer admission requirements as previously stated above. International students are not required to present ACT or SAT scores for admission purposes, but should do so to be considered for scholarship awards. International students from a non-English-speaking country must submit proof of successful completion of an ESL program or a TOEFL score of 500 or better, Computer TOEFL score of 173 or better, Internet TOEFL score of 64 or better, or IEL test band score of 6.0 or better. International Students who do not have passing English scores may apply for possible acceptance into the English for International Students Program of the Office of International Initiatives. For more information visit https://bluefieldstate.edu/admissions/international-students.

Conditional Admission

Conditional admission may be granted in instances where GPA or ACT standards are not met and institutional officials have evidence that the student has the potential to successfully complete college-level work. Students who do not meet GPA or ACT standards, but who demonstrate the potential to complete an undergraduate program, may be admitted provisionally with the following stipulations:

  • If freshman placement standards require, developmental work must be completed prior to enrolling in the corresponding college-level courses.
  • Students must complete the provisions of their conditional admission no later than the academic term in which sixty semester hours are accumulated.
  • When all admission standards have been met, conditional status will be removed and the student will become a regular admission student.

Basic Admission Standards for Early College or Non-Matriculating Students 

Bluefield State College will admit students on a non-matriculating basis. By definition, these students are not seeking a specific degree or degree-related certificate and may take courses for which they have satisfied required prerequisites. If these students later choose to work toward a degree, they must meet the admissions requirements for the desired degree program and provide the College with the admissions information required of regular students.* Additional requirements must be fulfilled by students in the categories listed below:

  1. Continuing Education for Teachers: Post-degree students seeking West Virginia teacher certification or certification renewal must provide official college transcripts and a completed Special Student Application admission form.
  2. Early College: High school students may take courses at Bluefield State College concurrent with their high school courses under the following stipulations:
    1. Complete the Early College Application.
    2. Students must have junior or senior status.
    3. Recommendation of high school principal, including list of approved courses.
    4. Written permission from parent or guardian.
    5. Students must have a 3.0 grade point average (“B”), or higher, on the cumulative high school transcript.

*It is recommended that special students, after attaining 15 credit hours of college classes, or earlier, meet with a counselor to discuss program and curriculum objectives.


All students will be classified in one of three residency categories: (1) WV Residents (2) Metro Area residents (3) Out-of-State residents.

  1. West Virginia residents for the purposes of tuition and fees are defined by Series 25 of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, and requires one year of residency within the state for purposes other than attending school, in addition to documented evidence of such such as but not limited to lease agreements, driver’s licenses, proof of employment, and tax records. Applications and qualifications for change in residency are available in the Admissions Office.
  2. Metro Area residents are from counties that border WV. A Metro Area resident must have residency in one of the following counties:
  • Virginia-Albemarle, Alleghany, Amherst, Appomattox, Augusta, Bath, Bedford, Bland, Botetourt,  Buchanan, Campbell, Carroll, Charlotte, Clark, Craig, Culpepper, Dickenson, Fairfax, Floyd, Franklin, Frederick, Fauquier, Giles, Grayson, Greene, Halifax, Henry, Highland,  Lee, Loudoun, Madison, Montgomery, Nelson, Page, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Prince Edward, Prince William, Pulaski,  Rappahannock, Roanoke, Rockingham, Rockbridge, Russell, Scott, Shenandoah, Smyth, Tazewell, Warren, Washington, Wise, and Wythe;
  • Maryland- Allegany, Fredrick, Garrett, Montgomery, Prince George and Washington;
  • Ohio-Athens, Belmont, Carroll, Columbiana, Gallia, Guernsey, Harrison, Hocking, Jackson, Jefferson, Lawrence Mahoning, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Scioto, Stark, Vinton, and Washington;
  • Pennsylvania- Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence, Somerset, Washington, and Westmoreland; 
  • Kentucky-Boyd, Carter, Elliott, Floyd, Greenup, Johnson, Knott, Lawrence, Letcher, Magoffin, Martin, Morgan, and Pike;
  • North Carolina-Alamance, Allegheny, Ashe, Caswell, Durham, Forsyth, Granville, Guilford, Orange, Pearson, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry, Wake, Wilkes, Yadkin

Out-of-State residency consists of all students who are not considered WV residents or Metro Area residents.

Admission Process 



New Student Orientation

The objective of student orientation at Bluefield State College is to disseminate information on academic policies and student rights and responsibilities. New and transfer students are required to participate in the orientation program. Full- time students, and as many part-time students as possible, are required to complete the orientation prior to registration.

Change of Residency

A person who has been classified as an out-of-state student and who seeks resident status in West Virginia must assume the burden of providing conclusive evidence that he/she has established domicile in West Virginia with the intention of making a permanent home in this state.

Application for change of status should be made to the Admissions Office. The change in classification, if deemed to be warranted, shall be effective for the academic term or semester next following the date of the application for reclassification. In order to assure adequate time to process required documentation, application should be made at least four weeks in advance of the desired effective semester.

A student has the right to appeal a residency decision made by the Admissions Office to the Provost and Committee on Residency Appeals. The committee decision may be appealed to the President of the College. The decision of the President shall be considered final.

Common Market Programs

Bluefield State College participates in the Southern Regional Education Board Common Market program, which allows residents of states participating in the SREB to enroll in specific baccalaureate degree programs at Bluefield State College and pay in-state tuition. Those degrees currently approved for the Common Market are:

Civil Engineering Technology-Virginia Residents

To be awarded Common Market status, students must be approved by the Common Market coordinator of their state of residence. For application forms and specific information, students should contact the Director of Admissions at Bluefield State College.

Restricted Enrollment Programs

In order to comply with accreditation standards, it is necessary to restrict enrollment in the programs of Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Imaging Science with a Sonography concentration and Education. Students are admitted to these restricted programs once a year. The radiologic technology begins in July and the accelerated LPN to RN programs begin in May while the Associate Degree Nursing program begins with the fall semester. Application to RN to BSN program is online and available year-round, the fall class will be accepted beginning in the spring semester of the year for which admission is sought. In addition to regular admission requirements, these programs require that certain medical forms be submitted to the College prior to registration. Admission to the programs is based on compliance with stated criteria as judged by program admission committees composed of faculty and administrators.

Applicants for admission to these programs, teacher education, and certain other professional or occupational programs are admitted under the procedures for admission to the College, but must also meet additional requirements for admission to the respective program.


Returning Bluefield State College students who have not attended during the past semester must apply for re-admission. Applications are available on the Bluefield State College website at https://bluefieldstate.edu/admissions/apply.

Office of International Initiatives (OII)

Bluefield State College realizes its Mission of preparing “students for diverse professions informed citizenship, community involvement, and public service in an ever-changing global society” and its Vision by “embracing the diversity that shapes our world” through the Office of International Initiatives.

The Office of International Initiatives is responsible for International Student Recruitment, Integration, and Retention and internationalizing the College’s Curriculum.

International Student Recruitment, Integration, and Retention

Working collaboratively with the office of Student Affairs/Enrollment Management; Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; and, Title III, the Office of International Initiatives:

  • Recruits international students through WV HEPC’s StudyWV portal, BSC’s English for International Students program and EducationUSA Offices worldwide;
  • Assists with the College’s SEVIS Certification process;
  • Maintains and updates international students’ SEVIS records (attendance verification, transfer out, dependents, status monitoring if enrolled less than full time, extension of degree program, authorization to drop below full time, financial information, personal information, updating I-20s);
  • Ensures adherence to SEVIS regulations prior to approving Curriculum Practical Training;
  • Helps international students to prepare Optional Practical Training applications for submission to ICE;
  • Ensures compliance with Department of Homeland Security’s policies related to online courses;
  • Encourages international students’ participation in campus and off-campus experiences-welcome reception, UN Day celebration, trips to The Greenbrier and Washington, D.C., International Students Organization;
  • Provides logistical support for international students’ community involvement and public service activities; and,
  • Updates the online International Students Handbook annually.

Internationalizing the College’s Curriculum

In collaboration with the VP for Academic Affairs/Provost and the Schools of Business, Education, Engineering Technology and Computer Science, and Nursing and Allied Health, the Office of International Initiatives:

  • Provides academic advising and guidance to international students relating to academic matters;
  • Incorporates international and intercultural perspectives into the College’s curriculum through presentations by visiting international scholars;
  • Broadens the scope of the College’s curriculum with study abroad exchanges, faculty-led study abroad, and non-BSC study abroad programs with the College’s international institutional partners;
  • Facilitates research collaboration and faculty exchanges with the College’s international institutional partners;
  • Exposes Study Abroad Points of Contact in the College’s Schools to best practices in Study Abroad;
  • Oversees the College’s J1 Exchange Scholars program.


Sudhakar R. Jamkhandi, Ph.D.

SEVIS Designated School Official and Alternate Responsible Office, J1 Exchange Scholar Program

Emaisl: sjamkhandi@bluefieldstate.edu; oii@bluefieldstate.edu; efis@bluefieldstate.edu

Phone: 304-327-4036

 Study Abroad Points of Contact

Betty Nash, Bill Bennett, Roy Pruett, Darrel Malamisura, Michelle Taylor, Bonnie Reese, Colin Cavell, and Rebekah Hatch.

Click image to go to the Office of International Initiatives website.