2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Registrar’s Office

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The Registrar’s Office is responsible for the integrity of student records for the University, the planning and execution of registering of students each semester and summer session, maintaining grades, issuing transcripts, developing and maintaining articulation agreements, processing forms such as a program waivers, drop/add, transient, attendance, academic forgiveness and reinstatement, certification of degree requirements for students, mailing diplomas to graduates, and maintenance of the computerized student databases, verifying enrollment, veterans certifications, loan deferments, and insurance verifications. 

Privacy of Academic Records 

Bluefield State University complies with the requirements of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regarding confidentiality and student’s access to student records. Policies and procedures are outlined in the current Student Handbook in the section entitled “Confidentiality of Records” and a notification of rights is published in the schedule each semester. 

Notice of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Annual Notification 

Each year Bluefield State University is required to give notice of the various rights accorded to parents and students pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). In accordance with FERPA, you are notified of the following: 

  1. RIGHT TO INSPECT: You have the right to review and inspect substantially all of your education records maintained by Bluefield State University. 
  2. RIGHT TO PREVENT DISCLOSURES: You have the right to prevent disclosure of education records to third parties, with certain limited exceptions. It is the intent of this institution to limit disclosure of information contained in your education records to those instances when prior written consent has been given to the disclosure, as an item of directory information, which you have not refused to permit disclosure, or under the provisions of FERPA, which allow disclosure without prior written consent.
  3. RIGHT TO REQUEST AMENDMENT: You have the right to seek to have corrected any parts of an education record, which you believe to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of your rights. This includes the right to a hearing to present evidence that the record should be changed if Bluefield State University decides not to alter the education records according to your request.
  4. RIGHT TO COMPLAIN TO FERPA OFFICE: You have the right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 600 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, DC 20202-4605, concerning this institution’s failure to comply with FERPA; telephone (202) 260-3887 and Fax (202) 260-9001.
  5. RIGHT TO OBTAIN POLICY: You have the right to obtain a copy of the written institutional policy adopted by Bluefield State University in compliance with FERPA. A copy may be obtained in person or by mail from the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Bluefield State University, 219 Rock Street, Bluefield, WV 24701; Telephone (304) 327-4567.

Notice of Designation of Directory Information (FERPA) 

Bluefield State University has designated certain information contained in the education records of its students as directory information for purposes of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). 

The following information regarding students is considered directory information: (1) name, (2) address, (3) telephone number, (4) date and place of birth, (5) major field of study, (6) educational level and/or credits earned, (7) participation in officially recognized activities and sports, (8) weight and height of members of athletic teams, (9) dates of attendance, (10) degrees and awards received, (11) the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the students, and (12) a photograph. 

Directory information may be disclosed by this institution for any purpose in its discretion, without the consent of a parent of a student or an eligible student. Parents of students and eligible students have the right, however, to refuse to permit the designation of any or all of the above information as directory information. In that case, this information will not be disclosed except with the consent of a parent or student, or as otherwise allowed by FERPA. 

Any parent or student refusing to have any or all of the designated directory information disclosed must file written notification to this effect with this institution at the Registrar’s Office, Conley Hall, on or before the last day of regular registration each semester.

In the event a refusal is not filed, this institution assumes that neither a parent of a student or eligible student objects to the release of designated directory information. 

Updating your Address

It is the responsibility of every student to ensure that an accurate permanent address and telephone number is on file in the Registrar’s Office. Address information may be updated in the Registrar’s Office and on the Registrar’s Office webpage.


Bluefield State University’s Official Transcripts can be ordered online through Transcript Ordering, a service of the National Student Clearinghouse at: https://bluefieldstate.edu/ /registrars-office/. Transcript requests are also available in the Registrar’s Office.

Official Transcripts are available to be ordered at a fee of $25.00* for each transcript. Transcripts are usually prepared at the time the request is received or within 48 hours of an approved payment. Full payment should accompany each request.

Unofficial Transcripts are available to you at no cost. Requests can be submitted through the Registrar’s Office; a photo ID is required with the request. Current Students can access an unofficial copy of their transcript through the myBSU portal under Student Resources.
*Processing fees apply when using credit/debit card payments and the services of the National Student Clearinghouse.


Attendance Tracking

Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are enrolled. Regular attendance for satisfactory completion of a course is an important part of the student’s educational experience. Faculty records attendance regularly.

Attendance Verification

Attendance Verification will be done 5 days into the semester to verify students’ attendance. Faculty are required to submit an Attendance Verification report for each course. Those students not reported as attending will be removed from enrollment.


Bluefield State University recognizes three kinds of absences: (1) an institutional absence resulting from participation in an activity in which the student is officially representing the University; (2) an unavoidable absence resulting from illness, death in the immediate family, or unnatural cause beyond control of the student; (3) all other absences are considered willful.

It is the responsibility of the student to provide a proper explanation to the instructor for institutional or unavoidable absences. Failure to do so immediately upon return to class will automatically make the absence willful. The student should provide supporting documents for institutional and unavoidable absences. Make-up work is the responsibility of the student and at the acceptance of the instructor.

If a student is removed from classes and is not reinstated, they will be assigned the grade of “W”. Reinstatement means only that the student is readmitted to the class and does not imply that the instructor will be required to provide the opportunity for the student to make up time lost in lectures, laboratories, and/or in other similar learning experiences.

Courses Taken at Another Institution (Transient)

A student must apply for transient permission prior to taking courses at another institution in order to transfer such credit to Bluefield State University. Transient Forms can be obtained through the Registrar’s Office. 

To view courses that will transfer to Bluefield State, please visit our Transfer Equivalency System.

Cross-Registration between Bluefield State University and Concord University

A student enrolled for 12 semester hours or more at the home institution may cross-register to attend classes for credit at either institution without paying additional tuition. This is done by obtaining prior transient permission from the Registrar at the home institution. Registration and payment of tuition and fees at the home institution must precede registration at the other institution. A paid receipt from the home institution showing 12 hours or more must be presented to implement cross-registration without additional tuition cost. The total number of hours for which the student registers during the semester is governed by the home institution.

Academic Probation, Suspension, Dismissal and Academic Good Standing

Academic Probation

A descriptive term for a student who is permitted to remain in school after having failed to meet the minimum standards for satisfactory scholarship as provided by the faculty.

1. Deficiency invoking probation:

     a. A student whose cumulative scholastic record shows a deficit of 12 quality points but no more than 17 quality points shall automatically acquire probationary status.

     b. A transfer student whose total record shows a deficit of 12 quality points, if admitted, shall be assigned a probationary status as though the deficit had been accumulated in residence.

2. Restrictions associated with probationary status:

     a. A student who is on probation shall have his/her schedule restricted as long as the probation continues and in accordance with the scale which follows: 16 week term-14 semester hours; 5              week term-5 semester hours.

     b. Termination of probation - a student who is placed on probation as a result of a grade point deficit shall remain on probation until his/her quality point deficiency is reduced to 11 or fewer.

3. A student who is placed on Probation for two consecutive semesters is Suspended for a period of one fall or spring semester.

Academic Suspension

Temporary withdrawal of the privilege to enrollment and admittance.

  1. A student with a cumulative deficit of 18 quality points or more shall be suspended for a period of one fall or spring semester. This rule shall not apply to first semester freshmen or to students who have not been on academic probation for one semester. The application of a student suspended from any college shall not be considered for admission until his/her period of suspension has expired. Bluefield State University honors the suspension of any other college and such a suspension is treated as a prior suspension from Bluefield State University.
  2. A student suspended for poor scholarship and subsequently readmitted shall be required to adhere to the following restrictions:
    1. Register for a maximum of 14 semester hours.
    2. Maintain no less than a 2.0 average each semester following readmission.
    3. Reduce the deficit by no fewer than 6 quality points each of 2 semesters. Failure to comply will result in dismissal. Gains made as a result of repeating to remove previous grades are excluded. Gain must be a result of maintaining above 2.0 average.
    4. A second suspension shall be regarded as permanent. A student may, however, request special consideration for readmission after one calendar year. It shall be the responsibility of the student to request a meeting with the Academics Committee and present in writing any reasons or evidence supporting why he/she should be given special consideration for readmission. To convene a meeting of the Academics Committee the student must complete the request form available in the office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Academic Dismissal

Permanent withdrawal of the privilege of enrollment and attendance.

A second suspension shall be regarded as permanent dismissal. A student may, however, request special consideration for readmission after one calendar year. It shall be the responsibility of the student to request a meeting with the Academics Committee and present in writing any reasons or evidence supporting why he/she should be given special consideration for readmission. To convene a meeting of the Academics Committee the student must complete the request form available in the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Academic Good Standing

Any student eligible to enroll or re-enroll in the institution is considered to be in Good Academic Standing. Social or financial standing may differ.

Catalog Eligibility Policy

A student who enrolls at Bluefield State University shall follow the provisions of the catalog in use at the time of admission. The student may choose to move under the provisions of the current catalog by filing a written request with their Advisor and Dean. The student wishing to change catalogs should come to the Registrar’s office for a Change of Catalog Year form .

Any student who interrupts his/her schooling for more than one semester will be subject to the provisions of the current catalog. Students changing their major are subject to the provisions of the catalog in effect at that time. If fewer than 12 semester hours are successfully completed in an academic year, computed from one fall registration to the next, the student is subject to the provisions of the current catalog. Permission to remain under the original catalog may be granted by the Dean of a student’s School in exceptional circumstances.

This policy does not imply that the University will necessarily continue to offer the courses needed to complete the programs that students have in mind. Students seeking admission to professional programs must meet any special and additional admission, retention or program requirements in force at the time the student is accepted to enter the particular program, regardless of the length of time the student has been enrolled as a general college student.

Course Equivalencies

College Credit for Prior Learning

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is defined as the assessment of college-level learning for college credit gained outside the higher education academic environment. For example, individuals may acquire college-level knowlege or skills through work, employee training programs, military service, independent study, non-credit courses, or community service. Only documented and demonstrated college-level learning will be awarded college credit.

Bluefield State University recognizes that some students, particularly adults and non-traditional students, may have acquired prior college-leve learning through the development of skills or knowledge that closely parallel those outcomes taught in college-level courses. It is important that Colleges and Universitites have the opportunity to evaluate learning that has taken place outside the higher education academic environment and to award academic credit when appropriate.

In order to request course credit for PLA as set forth in BSU Policy 60, it is necessary to complete the Prior Learning Assessment Evaluation Petition Form in its entirety including all supporting documentation. Credit will only be awarded based upon the assessments noted in Policy 60. Award of PLA credit will be based on the approval of a subject matter expert, the Dean of the school for which the credit may be applied, the Registrar, and the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs. Credit for PLA is not guaranteed. Students denied specific course credit may follow the appeal process as set forth in Policy 60, Section 8.3. Should credit be denied based on the assessment review, the student shall have 30 days from the date of receipt of the denial to file an appeal of credit to the Academic Appeals Committee.

Bluefield State University, in accordance with the HEPC policy for prior learning will evaluate each request for credit based on PLA on an individual basis. Students seeking to obtain credit through such assessments must meet with the Dean of the respective school in which their major is contained. The student must provide the completed PLA Form requesting credit as well as all documentation related to the request. A recommendation for credit shall be made to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee and in accordance with Bluefield State University’s PLA guidelines.

Award of Advanced Placement Credit

The West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (HEPC) and the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education (CCTE) are committed to initiatives such as the Advanced Placement program of the College Board, which encourage prospective college students to aspire to higher intellectual achievements. The Commission and Council recognize the Advanced Placement program as one which will allow high school students to master college subject matter and to document their intellectual achievements through successful completion of Advanced Placement examinations.

Beginning with the 1994-95 academic year, the State College and University Systems, and subsequently the HEPC and CCTCE, implemented a policy which will enable students who have successfully completed any Advanced Placement exams to receive academic credit at all public undergraduate institutions in West Virginia. Among the provisions of the policy are:

  1. High school students completing advanced placement examinations of the College Board with a minimum score of 3 will receive credit at any institution in the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and the Community and Technical College System of West Virginia;
  2. When the examination is in the area of the student’s major, the institution will award credit toward the major of core curriculum;
  3. An academic department within the institution, upon approval of the institutional faculty, may require a higher score than 3 on an Advanced Placement test if the credit is to be used toward meeting a course requirement for a major in the department; and
  4. Credits awarded by regionally accredited institutions of higher education for successful completion of Advanced Placement exams are transferable to the other state colleges and universities in accordance with the Advanced Placement policy of the receiving institution.

Listings of awards of Advanced Placement credit for each of the state higher education institutions are on the pages that follow. Minimum scores, number of credits awarded, and available course equivalents are indicated. If the institution does not have an equivalent course, then no course is indicated in the course equivalent column. Credit is awarded, however, for successful completion of any College Board Advanced Placement examination. Credits are awarded once an official score report is received and the student is enrolled in the receiving institution.

Any questions on Advanced Placement credits should be directed to the institution or to:

Academic Affairs Office
West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission
1018 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Suite 700
Charleston, West Virginia 25301-2827PH
304.558.0261- FX 304.558.0089

Advanced Placement Credit Awarded

Examination Min. Score Credit Hours   Bluefield State University Course Equivalent
Art (Studio)        
Drawing Portfolio 3 3 ARTS 220   Drawing
General Portfolio 3 3   Elective
Art History 3 3 ARTS 205   Art History
Biology 3 8 BIOL 101 -BIOL 103L 
BIOL 102 -BIOL 104L  
General Biology & Lab
General Biology & Lab
Chemistry 3 8 CHEM 101 -CHEM 103L 
CHEM 102 -CHEM 104L  
General Chem. & Lab
General Chem. & Lab
Computer Science        
Computer Science A 3 3 COSC 111   Intro to Computer Science
Computer Science AB
(6 units maximum for both tests)
3 6   COSC 111, Elective
Macroeconomics 3 3 ECON 211     Principles of Economics I
Microeconomics 3 3 ECON 212    Principles of Economics II
English Composition and Literature 3
ENGL 101 
ENGL 102  
Composition I
Composition II
English Language and Composition   3 ENGL 101   Composition I
Engineering Technology 3 4 GNET 101   Technical  Physics I & Lab
Foreign Language        
French Language 3 6 FREN 101 -FREN 102   Elementary French I & II
French Literature 3 6   Elective
German Language 3 6   Elective
Spanish Language 3 6 SPAN 101 -SPAN 102   Elementary Spanish I & II
Human Geography 3 3 GEOG 301   World Physical Geography
Government & Politics        
United States 3 3 POSC 200   American National Government
United States 3 6 HIST 105 -HIST 106   American History
European 3 6   Elective
World 3 6 HIST 101 -HIST 102   World Civilization
Calculus AB or Subscore 3 4 MATH 220   Calculus I
Calculus BC: AB Subscore     MATH 220   Calculus I
Calculus: BC 3 8 MATH 220 -MATH 230   Calculus I & II
Statistics 3 3 MATH 210   Elementary Statistics
Theory 3 3 MUSC Elective Theory I
Physics B 3 8 PHYS 201  /PHYS 203L  
PHYS 202  /PHYS 204L  
General Physics I (Algebra based) & Lab
General Physics II (Algebra based) & Lab
Physics C Mechanics 3 4 PHYS Elective General Physics I (Calculus based) & Lab
Physics C Electricity and Magnetism 3 4 PHYS Elective General Physics II (Calculus based) & Lab
Introductory Psychology 3 3 PSYC 103   General Psychology

Credit Hours

Credit Transfer and Evaluation of Advanced Placement

Students will be permitted to waive certain basic courses if they can demonstrate proficiency in these courses. Students will not receive credit for omitted courses and cannot use such courses as credit toward graduation. Students who make a standard score of 26 or above on the mathematics section of the ACT test or a 600 score or above on the SAT test are eligible to enroll in MATH 220 .

Students with an ACT score of 22 or above on the English main section, and a score of 17 on the Reading main portion of the ACT, or a 550 on the SAT ERW section and 23 on the Reading section are eligible to take the English CLEP test and receive three (3) hours credit for ENGL 101  plus 3 hours of English elective hours provided they (1) are not enrolled in ENGL 101 , (2) they have not previously received a grade other than “W” in ENGL 101 , and (3) have not already been institutionally exempt from ENGL 101 . Students must take the English CLEP test (with essay), score 50 or higher on the exam, and receive credit for ENGL 101  before enrolling in ENGL 102 . CLEP information is available from the Counseling Center.

In the Subject Examination, the applicant’s test score must be equal to or above the institutionally established score. The credit will be equated with existing course offerings. A complete listing is available in the Counseling Center. High school students who have taken college-level subjects offered in their schools in cooperation with the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Advanced Placement (AP) program and who have scored a minimal score of 3 on the three-hour examination administered by the Advanced Placement Service may receive credit. The course credits granted will be determined after receipt of official scores and enrollment in the college. Scores are to be sent from CEEB to the Counseling Center.

Freshman Course Placement

By combining standardized test scores with the student’s chosen course of study, freshmen at Bluefield State University are strategically placed into the courses best suited to their curricular goals. Important in this strategic placement is not only the appropriate selection of individual courses, but also the complementary co-requisite pairing of courses as required.  Selection and pairing of courses enable the accelerated-learning and contextual-learning strategies required for successful student completion of gateway courses in the freshman curriculum. These policies reflect changes to Series 21 of Title 133 of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission “Freshman Assessment and Placement Standards.”


ENGLISH. Students may enroll in ENGL 101 (Composition I) if they meet the minimum score on both the English and Reading tests for any of the following:

  • SAT Evidence Reading and Writing (ERW)
480 or higher
  • SAT Reading
23 or higher
  • ACT English Main
18 or higher
  • ACT English Reading
17 or higher
  • ACCUPLACER Writing
250 or higher
  • ACCUPLACER Reading
252 or higher


MATHEMATICS.  Students may enroll in Math 101, Math 109, or GNET 115  if they meet the minimum score on any of the following tests:  

  • SAT Math
530 or higher* 510 or higher**
  • ACT Math
21 or higher* 19 or higher**
260 or higher* 250 or higher**

*Track A: MATH 109 , MATH 110 , or GNET 101 GNET 102 GNET 115  

**Track B: MATH 101  


Bluefield State University offers the following Transitional Studies courses in English and Math:


  • ENGL 101L - Composition I with Lab  : Practice in the techniques of effective academic writing with an emphasis on the writing process, including rhetorical methods, patterns of organization, and an introduction to APA formatting.  Additional lab time meant to assist students with acquiring writing skills necessary for successful completion of the course. Required of students scoring below the minimum scores on the SAT, ACT, and ACCUPLACER tests.
  • GNET 115L Tech Math I with Lab   A study of fundamental algebraic concepts and operations, functions and graphs, trigonometric functions and their graphs, linear equations and determinants, factoring, fractions, vectors, and triangles. Required of students in GNET Math, i.e. students of Engineering Technology who have scored 15 to 18 inclusive on ACT Mathematics, 340-450 inclusive on SAT Math, or 25-75 inclusive on the ACCUPLAXER elementary algebra test. 

  • MATH 101L - General Mathematics with Lab :  Study of natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, equations, and inequalities; ratio, proportion and variation; graphs, interest; introduction to elementary statistics.  Additional lab time meant to assist students with acquiring math skills that are necessary for successful completion of the course. Required for students in Math Track B (i.e., students of Humanities, Social Science, Education, Nursing, or Criminal Justice) scoring 0-18 inclusive on ACT Mathematics, 200-500 inclusive on SAT Math, or 200-249 inclusive on the ACCUPLACER (QAS) test.
  • MATH 109L - Algebra with Lab : Study of real numbers, exponents, roots and radicals, polynomials, first and second-degree equations and inequalities; functions and graphs,  Additional lab time meant to assist students with acquiring math skills that are necessary for successful completion of the course. Required of students in Math Track A, i.e., students of Radiologic Science, Applied Science, Accountancy, Business Administration, Business Information Systems, Education, or Health Services Management, who have scored 0 to 20 inclusive on the ACT Mathematics, 200-520 inclusive on the SAT Math, or 200-259  on the ACCUPLACER (QAS).
  • BSCS 100 - Building Successful College Skills . Designed to assist students in the acquisition of college survival skills as well as skills for successful living.  The course, designed primarily for freshman students, provides the opportunity for acquiring self-management skills and college success skills. This course is a required co-requisite for students enrolled in any of the previous four courses

West Virginia Core Coursework Transfer Agreement

The Higher Education Policy Commission is charged by statute with ensuring that undergraduate core coursework completed at any of its institutions is transferable as general studies to all other state institutions of higher education in West Virginia for credit with the grade earned. Though system policy provides that undergraduate coursework is generally transferable among state institutions, there is no requirement that courses transferred will meet the general studies requirements at receiving institutions.

The purpose of this procedure is to establish a process and format which will enable students who transfer from one state college or university to another to transfer core coursework that will count toward fulfillment of general studies requirements at the receiving institutions. To facilitate the discharge of this statutory responsibility, the following agreement for transfer of core coursework at state higher education institutions in West Virginia and listing of institutional courses that are acceptable for transfer under this agreement has been developed.

Core Coursework Transfer Agreement

To remedy the problem of transfer of core coursework and to meet the statutory mandate, this core coursework agreement will assure that students who transfer from one state college or university to another will receive credit for specified general studies courses at the receiving institutions. Under the terms of the agreement, a student may transfer up to thirty- five credit hours of undergraduate coursework in the areas of English composition, communications and literature, fine arts appreciation, mathematics, natural science, and social science as general studies credits. The agreement establishes hours of coursework acceptable for transfer that will count toward fulfillment of general studies requirements. Since coursework is generally transferable among institutions in the state colleges and universities, a student could conceivably transfer more than thirty-five hours of general studies credit from one institution to another that are provided for in this agreement. The agreement is not designed to limit the number of credits that are transferred. Its purpose is to assure that students will be able to transfer credits in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The hours of core coursework that are acceptable counting toward fulfillment of general studies requirements are as follows:

  • English Composition - 6 hours
    • Communication and Literature - 6 hours

            Speech/Oral Communication - 3 hours

            Literature - 3 hours

  • Fine Arts Appreciation - 3 hours

        Art, Music, Drama, or Theater Appreciation

  • Mathematics - 3-5 hours

       College Math including General Math, Algebra, Trigonometry or Calculus

  • Natural Science - 8-10 hours

        Lab Science including Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Physical Science

  • Social Science - 9 hours

       History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology or Economics with no more than six hours from any one area


The Director of the Academic Affairs office of the Higher Education Policy Commission and the Council for Community and Technical College shall annually appoint a core coursework committee to advise on matters relating to the agreement and listing of courses. The committee may recommend modifications in the agreement or in the list of courses, as it deems necessary. It shall also have the responsibility for publishing and disseminating a transfer guide, which includes the State coursework agreement, and the list of approved core courses at each of the institutions. This committee shall meet at least once a year and file a report annually to the Chancellor.

Institutional Responsibility

Each institution shall have the responsibility of implementing the agreement and distributing the transfer guide to faculty advisers and to students. The agreement and listing of courses acceptable for transfer as general studies credit should be included in the student handbook and other appropriate publications. It is imperative that each institution in disseminating information relating to the core coursework transfer agreement inform students that the agreement assures the transfer of courses for general studies credit for any of the courses listed in the agreement and does not limit the number of credit hours that a student may transfer in general studies. A student, in accordance with the Higher Education Policy Commission Series 17, Policy Regarding the Transferability of Credits and Grades at the Undergraduate Level, and the policies of the receiving institution, may transfer credit for general studies courses that are not included in the agreement and may also transfer more than thirty-five hours of general studies credit.

Student Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the student who is transferring from a state college or university to another state institution to be aware of the specific program requirements at the receiving institution. Occasionally, in an academic program, such as engineering or other professional field, there may be a requirement for completion of a particular general studies course(s). Though the core coursework transfer agreement provides for uniform acceptance of up to thirty-five hours of core coursework, the student must still complete all program requirements for his/her course of study.

Transfer Credit

Transfer students must have official transcripts for all college-level work attempted submitted directly to the Bluefield State University Admissions Office. An evaluation of transfer credit will be completed by the Registrar’s Office to determine which courses will offer BSU equivalency and which can be counted only as elective credit. All credits earned from regionally accredited institutions, including community and junior colleges, are accepted for transfer. A maximum of 72-semester hours, or 108-quarter hours, may be applied towards baccalaureate degree curricula and a maximum of 36-semester hours, or 54-quarter hours, may be applied towards associate degree curricula.

Once admitted to a degree program at Bluefield State University, transfer credit will be accepted only for courses for which prior transient permission is obtained from the student’s advisor, the applicable Dean(s), and the Registrar.

Bluefield State University is a member of the American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT). ACE CREDIT connects workplace learning with colleges and universities by helping adults gain access to academic credit for formal courses or examinations offered by various organizations, from businesses and unions to the government and military.

Note: Bluefield State University only accepts StraighterLine transfer credits when received through ACE CREDIT for new transfer students only. StraighterLine credits are no longer accepted for currently enrolled students and re-admit students who have been previously enrolled at Bluefield State University during a period of four years from the date of readmittance.

To view courses that will transfer to Bluefield State, please visit our Transfer Equivalency System.

Correspondence Courses

Bluefield State University will accept up to 32 semester hours of non-laboratory correspondence course work from accredited institutions listed in Transfer Credit Practices of Designated Educational Institutions copyrighted by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.

Students who plan to take a correspondence course can obtain the form, Permission to Earn Credits at Another Institution, from the Registrar’s Office. The completed form must be filed with the Registrar prior to registering/enrolling in such course(s) to ensure the correspondence credit will be accepted. All correspondence exams or proctored work must be taken under the supervision of the Counseling Center staff, or a person designated by the Registrar. 

Correspondence work will be included in the student’s semester course load at Bluefield State University. Successful correspondence work/credit will not be accepted if the total resident hours plus correspondence hours exceeds the normal course load (18 hours), unless the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs had approved a course overload.

Block Transfer of Vocational-Technical Credit

Block transfer of vocational-technical credit from an accredited or state approved post-secondary vocational-technical school or center may be awarded as determined by the appropriate academic department and approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. No grades shall be assigned and such transfer applied only toward completion of the specific program for which the transfer was approved. The transferability of such credit will depend entirely upon the institution to which a student transfers. The student shall assure that the proper transcripts are provided to the Registrar’s Office to receive credit.

Course Audit

Students at the University, and in some cases certain non-students, may be permitted to audit lecture classes with the permission of the Registrar and the class instructor. Auditors are required to register and pay all appropriate fees. In no case shall an auditor be permitted to change his/her status and receive credit for a class after enrollment, nor shall a student change from credit to audit status after the last day for dropping and adding classes

Grading System

The grading system at Bluefield State University is as follows:

A Superior, given for exceptional performance
B Good, distinctly above average
C Average
D Below average, lowest passing grade
NGR No grade reported by faculty
F Failure, no quality points are received but the semester hours will be included when computing quality point

An Incomplete Grade Contract can be initiated only if the student:

  • Has a valid reason for missing a part of the course, 
  • Has completed 70% of the course, as determined by the instructor, but cannot complete the course requirements for a reason that aligns with the university’s excused absence policy, and   
  • Has earned a C or better in the course at the time the Incomplete Grade Contract is signed.

Grades of “I” must be made up before the end of succeeding regular semester, excluding summer school, by contacting the course instructor and not through course re-enrollment. If not made up within the time limitation, the grade automatically becomes an “F.”

P Satisfactory completion of courses (for AD Nursing clinical courses only)
S Satisfactory completion of courses (for developmental courses only)
W Withdraw
X Audit
NI Non-instructional credit
K Indicates a grade that is counted in hours attempted, but not in hours earned toward a degree. Prefix placed in front of transfer grades; grades count in the GPA
KCR Credit awarded from other institutions, which does not count in the GPA

Incomplete Grade Contract

An Incomplete grade is given only if the student has a valid EXCUSED reason for missing a part of the course.  Grades of “I” must  be made up before the end of the succeeding regular semester, excluding summer terms, unless otherwise indicated on the Incomplete contract between the faculty member and the student.  The grade is not changed merely by contacting the instructor and not through course re-enrollment.  IF not made up within the time limitations noted, the grade will be automatically converted to a grade of “F”.  

If a student is, absent from the final examination in a course on account of illness or other reasons considered valid by the instructor, the instructor may report an “I” grade provided:

  1. The student has informed the instructor prior to the final examination and the instructor considers the reason valid.
  2. The instructor files with the Registrar along with the grade report:
    1. An Incomplete Grade Status Report in duplicate stating under “Reasons for ‘I’ Grade” exactly the same reason given by the student.
    2. The faculty/student contract detailing expectations for course completion.
    3. The Instructor is required to submit a Change of Grade form once the student has completed the course.
  3.  An Incomplete Grade Extension may be filed by the Instructor if more time is needed.


Students may choose to take continuing education courses on a pass or fail basis instead of the regular grading system. The decision to take a course on this basis must be made during the registration period and may not be changed after the registration deadline. Courses taken on a pass or fail basis will not be considered in determining the student’s grade point average (GPA). A student may earn a maximum of 12 semester hours on the pass or fail basis.

Grade Point Average

The quality of a student’s work is indicated by quality points. Candidates for graduation must have a grade point average of 2.0 on all work recorded on the transcript and on all work completed at Bluefield State University. All work attempted at other colleges is included in the grade point average. Quality points are earned as follows:

A 4 quality points per semester hour
B 3 quality points per semester hour
C 2 quality points per semester hour
D 1 quality points per semester hour
F no quality points are received, but semester hours will be included when computing average

The grade point average is computed on all work for which the student has registered with the following exceptions:

  1. Courses with grades of “W” and
  2. Course(s) with grade(s) to which the Forgiveness Grade Policy has been applied.

Grade-point average can be computed by dividing the number of quality points earned by the number of attempted semester hours recorded on the permanent record card. Other than as noted under exception (b) above, no course for which credit has been awarded may be repeated for credit. 

Grade Reports

Students must access their final grades through the myBSU portal under Student Resources. Grades are generally available within one week after a grading period is complete.

President’s List

To be eligible for the President’s List, a student must be degree seeking, carry a minimum of 12 semester hours at Bluefield State University (excluding developmental level courses), earn a grade point average for the semester of 3.8 or better, and receive no “D” or “F” grades. Transfer course work will not be accepted within the minimum 12 semester hours required. Visit the Registrar’s Office page on the BSU website to view the current President’s List.

Dean’s List

To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a student must carry a minimum of 12 semester hours (excluding developmental level courses) at Bluefield State University, earn a grade point average for the semester of 3.25 or better, and fail no courses. Transfer course work will not be accepted within the minimum 12 semester hours required. Visit the Registrar’s Office page on the BSU website to view the current Dean’s List.

Repeated Course Grade Policy

Bluefield State University has a repeat policy for student who have not received their degree. If a student repeats a course the original grade shall be disregarded and the grade or grades earned when the course is repeated shall be used when determining the grade point average. The original grade shall not be deleted from the student’s record. The privilege of repeat is capped at 21 credit hours.

When a course is repeated the following procedure occurs:

  • The original grade is disregarded for determining the overall GPA; it is marked as excluded (E) in the semester that the student originally took the course.
  • The second grade is entered on the student’s transcript and is marked as included (I) in the semester that the course was repeated.
  • Courses repeated more than once are handled the same way. All attempts are used for determining grade point average and are marked as (A); however, the last attempt carries the earned grade.

A student enrolled in the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program may only repeat a course once.

Academic Forgiveness Policy

Under the following conditions, Bluefield State University will extend academic forgiveness to a student. The policy provides that “D” and “F” grades identified by the student will be disregarded in the calculation of the grade point average for graduation requirements but does not apply to honors, nor to requirements for professional certification that may be within the province of licensure boards or external agencies.

To apply for Academic Forgiveness the student should obtain the form at the Office of the Registrar and follow these guidelines:

  1. The student must meet with their advisor.
  2. The student must not have been enrolled as a full-time student in any college or university during the four consecutive academic years immediately preceding the readmission semester. If the student attended on a part-time basis during the four-year period, a 2.0 GPA is required for all course work attempted.
    1. The student may only apply for Academic Forgiveness during their readmit semester.
  3. The student will be admitted on a probationary status. Academic Forgiveness will be applied after the student has earned at least 12 credit hours with grades of “C” or above in all course work and applies, in writing, to the Registrar for Academic Forgiveness.
  4. Only “D” and “F” grades earned at least four years prior to the request may be disregarded for grade point average computation and these grades will not be deleted from the student’s permanent record.
  5. All “D” and “F” grades to be disregarded must be identified by the student at the time of applying for Academic Forgiveness and the credit earned for these courses will also be disregarded.
  6. The Registrar will notify the student of the decision regarding the request for Academic Forgiveness.
  7. The University maintains the right to accept or to not accept actions of other institutions regarding Academic Forgiveness, other institutions may or may not recognize Academic Forgiveness extended by Bluefield State University.


  • Academic Forgiveness excludes student eligibility to graduate with honors
  • Academic Forgiveness does not apply to students who have received an associate or baccalaureate degree
  • Academic Forgiveness may only be granted once

A student in the Regents Bachelor of Arts (RBA) degree program may elect to receive Academic Forgiveness under the terms of this policy or have grades for some courses forgiven under these terms and those of the rules of the RBA degree program. The student should contact the RBA Program Director for additional information.

Evaluation for Degree Requirements

A student who has completed 90 semester hours of credit toward a baccalaureate degree or a student who has completed 45 semester hours of credit towards an associate degree must request from his/her advisor an evaluation of the student’s credits. The evaluation should indicate all of the courses the student has completed and those that must be completed for the degree and/or certification sought.

Students who need an evaluation to determine what courses to take during the summer sessions should request an evaluation several weeks before it is needed. It is difficult to prepare evaluations during the last portion of April. After an evaluation has been made, the student should keep a copy and have it available on registration days. It is the student’s responsibility to check on all requirements and to make inquiry if there is doubt of satisfying any of them.

Adding Courses

Adding of courses prior to the deadline date for adding courses as published within the academic calendar is accomplished by securing an add form and having it signed by appropriate persons. Blank copies of the add form are available in the offices of the Registrar, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Dean, and the advisor. After obtaining the advisor’s signature and course instructor, and Dean if the class is full, the student must submit the add form to the Office of the Registrar prior to the deadline date. Adding courses may result in additional tuition and fees.

Withdrawing from Courses

Withdrawing from courses prior to the deadline date for withdrawal as published in the Academic Calendar is accomplished by securing a Drop/Add form and having it signed by the appropriate persons. After obtaining the required signatures from the advisor and course instructor, the student must submit, prior to the deadline date, the Drop/Add form to the Office of the Registrar. Any schedule changes occurring after the end of the registration, add, drop deadline must receive approval from the Provost.

Schedule changes (course adds, drops, or withdrawals from the University) are effective only if processed properly by the student. It is the student’s responsibility to see that proper documentation is completed and processed for such actions, rather than relying on verbal notification to instructors or to others within the University.

Withdrawal from the University

Students considering withdrawal from the University are encouraged to discuss their situation with their academic advisor and their instructors before making the decision. Early action leads to better informed, less stressful decisions. 

After the student has made an informed decision to withdraw from BSU, the student contacts the Registrar’s Office to begin the withdrawal process. The withdrawing student must consult, in turn, the Registrar, the Financial Aid Office, and the Business Office. 

The official date of a Permit to Withdraw is the initial date the Registrar’s Office is notified in writing by the student. 

A student withdrawing from the University after the Attendance Verification Deadline of the semester will receive a grade of “W.” Withdrawing from courses after the last day to withdraw may be approved only through action by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Degree Works Academic Audit

Bluefield State University provides an on-line degree audit program for the use of students and faculty advisors. Degree Works is a web-based tool to help students and advisors monitor a student’s progress toward degree completion. Degree Works combines Bluefield State University’s degree requirements and the course work students have completed with an easy- to-read worksheet that lists courses that have been completed and how they count toward degree requirements. The requirements are displayed in blocks and have a different look than the original check sheets. The program is accessable 24/7 through Web Self-Service module from myBSU. Students are advised to seek guidance relative to their degree requirements for graduation from their academic advisor and not to rely solely on the Degree Works audit.

A Degree Works evaluation may substitute for the 45 and 90-hour evaluations. Students should consult with their assigned academic advisor regarding use of this program to assure accuracy for graduation requirements. After an evaluation has been completed, the student should keep a copy and have it available on registration days. Questions concerning the use of this program should be directed to the Registrar’s Office.

Graduation and Commencement Regulations

Bluefield State University operates under the philosophy that all aspects of campus life are an integral part of the educational program. The commencement program is regarded as part of the academic program; therefore, participation in these activities is considered academic in nature. In recognition of this perspective, and in addition to earning certain specified hours of academic credits in prescribed programs, the prospective graduate is required to attend and participate in the commencement exercises in accordance with the following regulations. The same requirements will pertain to those who expect to receive an Associate Degree:

  • Bluefield State University has one formal graduation ceremony, which is held at the close of the spring semester. Students who graduate during the previous summer are invited to take part in the annual commencement program.
  • Seniors who graduate at the end of the fall or spring semester are required to attend and participate in the commencement ceremony. Graduates at the end of the fall semester will be given appropriate credentials with the stipulation that attendance and participation in the spring commencement exercises is required.
  • All applicants for graduation who have the work in progress necessary to complete degree requirements will participate in the graduation program. The actual awarding of degrees will be made after all final grades are received. Diplomas will be available within four weeks of graduation to those successfully completing graduation requirements.
  • Students who will be able to complete their graduation requirements in the summer term and who are registered and paid for the course(s) needed to graduate may walk in the Spring commencement.
  • Application in writing for permission to receive a degree in absentia must be filed with the Registrar well in advance of the commencement program. Annual reports of completion rates of students and student athletes are made available in the Registrar’s Office to comply with federal Student Right-to-Know regulations.

Graduation with Honors

To be eligible for honors, a student must meet the minimum residency requirements as stated in the catalog for the year of graduation and comply with one of the following criteria:

  • CUM LAUDE for those candidates who have maintained an average of 3.25 to 3.49.
  • MAGNA CUM LAUDE for those candidates who have maintained an average of 3.5 to 3.79.
  • SUMMA CUM LAUDE for those candidates who have maintained an average of 3.8 to 4.0.

To be eligible for these honors, a student must have completed 32 semester hours at Bluefield State University; of the last 32 hours, 16 must be completed at Bluefield State University.

Any student who completed the requirements for an Associate degree with a minimum 3.25 overall grade point average will receive recognition as an “HONOR GRADUATE.”

To be eligible for these honors, a student must have completed 16 semester hours at Bluefield State University; of the last 16 hours, eight must be completed at Bluefield State University.

Tentative standing for honors will be calculated on work completed the prior semester to the graduation ceremony; however, actual honors awarded and engraved on the diploma will include all work completed up to graduation.

Graduation Rates 

Graduation rates for Bluefield State Unversity are published in West Virginia Higher Education Report Card, which can be reviewed www.wvhepc.com. Visit the Bluefield State University Registrar’s Office webpage to find out how to get information about the “Student Right-To-Know” graduation rates. 

Residence Requirements

To be eligible for a baccalaureate degree the following criteria must be met:

  1. Completion of a minimum of 32 semester hours at Bluefield State University.
  2. Completion of at least 16 hours of the last 32 semester hours at Bluefield State University.
  3. Completion of at least one-fourth of the required semester hours within major(s) and/or concentrations(s) at Bluefield State University.

The School of Business specifies that at least one-half of all 300 and 400 business core courses and one half of all courses for the business administration major be taken at Bluefield State University.

To be eligible for an associate degree the following criteria must be met:

  1. Completion of a minimum of 16 semester hours at Bluefield State University.
  2. Completion of at least 8 hours of the last 16 semester hours at Bluefield State Univeristy.

Degree Requirements

Most baccalaureate degrees granted by Bluefield State University have the same minimum requirements with regard to semester credit hours and grade point average. Exceptions will be stated in the program description sections of applicable curricula. The minimum requirement for most is 120 semester credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on all course work entered on the student’s permanent record.

Most associate degrees granted by Bluefield State University have the same minimum requirements with regard to semester credit hours and grade point average. The minimum requirement is 60 semester credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on all course work entered on the student’s permanent record. 
Associate and Baccalaureate Nursing, Associate in Radiologic Technology, and Baccalaureate in Imaging Sciences require a “C” or better in all courses in the major and some selected support courses. Student should refer to the respective program descriptions in this catalog.

Any student graduating with a B.S. in a field that also has an A.S. degree as part of the B.S. degree requirement should also apply for the A.S. degree when they receive their B.S. degree.

All Bluefield State University first-time students are strongly recommended to take BSCS-100; this helps the student to transition into college. It enhances the development of skills necessary to succeed in college, motivates the student to continue/persist with identified college career choice, and helps the student achieve educational and personal goals. During this course students develop personal, academic, and career goals, as well as personal health and wellness plans.

Graduation Requirement 

Bluefield State University strongly emphasizes ensuring our students are well-prepared for their future endeavors. As part of this commitment to academic excellence, we have implemented a required assessment for all college seniors before graduation. These assessments use well-established tools such as the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) and Peregrine Academic Services examinations. While successful performance on these assessments is not a requirement for graduation, they serve as valuable tools to evaluate and enhance the overall educational experience of our students. The CLA assesses critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, while the Peregrine exams evaluate discipline-specific knowledge and competencies. These assessments allow us to gauge the effectiveness of our academic programs, identify areas for improvement, and provide students with valuable feedback to help them excel in their chosen fields. By incorporating these assessments into our graduation requirements, we underscore our commitment to academic excellence and continuous improvement in providing our students with a well-rounded, comprehensive education. 

Baccalaureate Degrees
A student may be awarded more than one Baccalaureate Degree by completing all the requirements for the desired subsequent degrees.

Associate Degrees
A student may be awarded more than one Associate Degree by completing all the requirements for the desired subsequent degrees.




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